

The thing is, I am and will always be a sucker for cutesy-patootsie things but I’ve learned through the years not to succumb to buying mindless, useless purchases just because it’s cute. A difficult uphill battle, if I may add. But I’ve made a win-win compromise with myself by slightly tweaking my shopping habits. I mean, I will still purchase things that I need every so often but now  I’ll take the extra effort (if I could help it) to look for things that can be cute, as well. And if that can’t be helped, black, brown or some dark neutral shade gives just as much joy.

And finally I’ve entered this stage in life that I enjoy receiving consumable items be it food, toiletries, drinks, makeup as gifts more than frivolous things that I know will only be clutter in 3 months. I will be grateful. And if in case I have absolutely no use for it, I will make damn sure that whoever I”m regifting it with will appreciate it with a full heart. Hehe. Such a sensible practice from a person who’s about to celebrate her last year as a twentysomething. Damn.  If there’s one thing that’s true in this world , it’s that time marches on, onward. Always.

The goal for 2019 is to just be light. Lessen the neurotic thoughts, veer from negative thinking and just be. I will always remind myself that no amount of money can replace a peaceful mind and a happy soul.

And maybe I’ll lessen the sugar in my system as well. Hehehe.

A prosperous 2019 for all of us!